Embrace Managed Tech

Your Guide To IT Budgeting In 2024

Establishing a financial blueprint for the course of the new year is pivotal to fostering growth for your business. As you anticipate the resources necessary to navigate your business through 2024, it’s essential to craft a budget that not only addresses immediate needs but also scales with your aspirations. With a notable uptick in IT…

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New Year, New Cybersecurity Resolutions

2024 is shaping up to be a pivotal year in cybersecurity—have you given it any thought yet?  With the integration of artificial intelligence into the technology landscape, both the complexity of cyber threats and the sophistication of security solutions are escalating. Your awareness and preparedness can make a crucial difference to your business. Security professionals…

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Giving Devices as Gifts? Follow These Security Tips for Parents & Guardians

As the holiday season approaches, many parents and guardians are eager to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones. Among the popular items on children’s wish lists are various devices such as tablets, smartphones, and game consoles. While the idea of gifting the latest technology to your child can be exciting, it’s crucial to…

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Holiday Scams: Safeguarding Your Festive Celebrations from Fraudsters

As the holiday season approaches, (beginning a few weeks ago back with Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday), millions of people will engage in online shopping to find gifts for their loved ones. Along with the anticipation and excitement of the holidays, however, comes an increase in scammers trying to deceive people into giving…

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Why Are Default Cybersecurity Settings Dangerous?

We all rely on your devices and online services to keep us safe and secure. However, many of us might not realize that the default cybersecurity settings on your devices and applications can put us at risk. It’s essential for you to understand why these default settings can be dangerous and what you can do…

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